The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion


Special Announcement: I am currently publishing a new version of the Set Apart Scriptures – The MCV Bible, link here:

Now many of you, that is, you my regular readers, will be familiar with the above expression, for I use it regularly in my articles to describe fake mainstream Christianity, or Churchianity, or the Christian RELIGION, or what some might call Christendom.

For those of you new to my work for Yashua Messiah (The Yahavah Yashua Messiah – the Lord Jesus Christ) I use it as an umbrella term to cover all the branches of so-called Christianity – Roman Catholicism; Eastern Orthodoxy (Greek and Russian); Anglicanism (AngliCAINism); Episcopalianism (American AngliCAINism), plus ALL the myriad denominations (divisions = demon-inations) of PROTESTantism.

This umbrella title also covers all the so called cults who, I might add, do not have a monopoly in cultism and/or cult behaviour. Roman Catholicism is the biggest cult of all, that is, a money making, money laundering cult based upon Simony (Simon Magus), with over a billion deluded and deceived adherents, and now controlled by the Rothschild Jew Beast Money Power Empire of Revelation.

However, having said that, I will now list the principal cult culprits, here, for your information: Jehovah’s Witnesses; The Church of The Latter Day Saints (The Mormons); The Seventh Day Adventists (SDAs); The Christadelphians; The Worldwide Church of God, (now deviously and deceptively known as The Grace Communion International), with all its splinter or spin-off groups who broke away after Herbert W. Armstrong’s era ended – Armstrong was a Judaising mongrel dog and possibly a CIA Asset.

OK, so here are the names of some of these satanic Judaising splinter groups:

Midnight Ministries – Malcom B. Heap

The Trumpet – The Philadelphia Church Of God – Gerald Flurry
The Restored Church Of God
The Living Church Of God
The Intercontinental Church Of God
The United Church Of God, An International Association
The Church Of God’s Faithful
The Independent Church Of God
The Church Of God, An International Community
The Christian Biblical Church Of God

The Continuing Church of God

I have listed the names of all these groups (and please note this list is not exhaustive) because I was once a duped member of the original Worldwide Church of God under Armstrong’s original satanic teaching, so I have a particular interest in what these satanic groups are getting up to in these last days of the last days. Needless-to-say, they are all blasphemous Judaisers and Grace killers, banging there OBEDIENCE based drums, earning their own salvation and extorting money from their duped members via their Old Covenant tithing money grabbing systems, so don’t, whatever you do, get involved with any of them.

OK, I think I have covered the bulk of what purports to be so called Christianity on the face of this satanic earth in 2017 and I call it The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion.

If you know of any other major groups that claim to be Christian Churches that you think should be added to my list please let me know in the comments section below. Please note, I am aware of the Pentecostal groups and have included them as an integral of PROTESTantism.

The Cainite-Judeo-Christian-Religion = Mainstream Christians

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV) Enter ye in at the strait (narrow) gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, (Spiritual ruin) and MANY there be which go in thereat: 
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Moving on, I will now take each of the four words that make up my umbrella title, and expound on their relevance and my reasons for placing them within the title, starting with:


Right, why do I group all these varied and supposed Christian bodies together under the title The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion? And why in particular do I use the term ‘Cainite’ as the first part of their description? What has Cain got to do with modern, so called, Christianity or nominal fake mainstream Christianity? He and his offspring died in The Flood didn’t they? Yes they did, but his bloodline was rekindled post-flood by and through the birth of Canaan, whom Noah cursed. However, I will not expound on that story here as I deal with it in my articles elsewhere here on my blog (see link No. 1 below), but what I will do is look specifically at Cain’s behaviour which led up to his murdering his half-brother Abel. (Take note, Cain and Abel were NOT full brothers) (again, see link No. 1 below)

Now this event is as much Spiritual as it is physical and literal, and it is timeless in its importance. The spirit of this story carries forward through 6,000 years of our history to our days here in 21st century. So what ties the murder of Abel to the year 2017? Easy, sacrifices and offerings or, perhaps, what I should have said is, the RIGHT KIND of sacrifice and offering. So let’s post the story of Cain and Abel’s sacrifices and offerings:

Genesis 4:3-4 (MCV) And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto The Yahavah. 4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And The Yahavah had respect unto Abel and acknowledged (was pleased with) his offering:

So what’s going on here? because on the face of it, it looks like The Yahavah is being unjust toward Cain just because his offering was from his crops of the ground. We are then told that The Yahavah had respect for Abel’s offering rather than Cain’s, so what gives?

BLOOD is what gives, that is, in Abel’s sacrifice, the BLOOD of a LAMB which spills into the ground. In Cain’s offering there was NO BLOOD at all, making it a useless offering, and thereby definitely not pleasing in The Yahavah’s sight as a sacrifice.

Yashua Messiah was The Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world as it is written in the Book of Revelation:

Revelation 13:8 (MCV) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (The Adversary), whose names are NOT written in The Book of Life of The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

This means, that in the past under the Old Covenant, right and proper sacrifices to Yah should ALWAYS involve the blood of a Lamb (even before the original Passover in Egypt) with Yashua Messiah becoming the ultimate Lamb of Yah sacrifice to end ALL blood sacrifices. (Watch out for the evil blasphemous re-instatement of animal blood sacrifices in Jerusalem soon – The Abomination of Desolation.)

OK, so back to the thread. From this event we then get Cain’s jealousy of his half-brother for having found favour in The Yahavah’s sight. The half-brothers then argue with the end result of Cain killing Abel in a fit of jealous rage.

Cain, Satan’s son, slaying his half brother Abel

Now mark this event, for it is a type or forerunner or the first of multiple thousands of murders that will follow it, that is, down through the ages and even into the 21st century with real Christians (followers of Yashua Messiah – The Truth and The Way) being slain for their Faith being in Him, and Him alone, with no RELIGION (no crops of the ground). So to sum up this first part, what we have graphically displayed for us here is the first hu-man creature of RELIGION, that is, CAIN, (he was The Adversary’s offspring – his son – see link No. 2 below) slaying the first man – a son of Adam, a True believer, who was making his blood of The Lamb sacrifice to his Creator.

Now this is all correct I here you say, that’s if you are of The Truth. However, how are you making a connection from Cain and Abel to the 21st century? Again that’s easy, fake or counterfeit Christians – those of the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion who believe in a fake Jesus, who never spilled his blood. This is because he doesn’t exist, and so he never died. This fake Jesus is like Cain’s offering of vegetables – there’s no blood. Ask yourself, how does a make-believe fictional character bleed and die? It doesn’t and it can’t – it would be impossible for it to do so (see link No. 3 below).

Let’s be clear about this, and get it firmly seated in our minds, only Yashua Messiah (The Yahavah Yashua Messiah) died and shed His blood for us, not their Cainite vegetable growing Jesus. So now you know why I use the word Cainite in my title the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion.


OK, so why do I use the word ‘Judeo’ in my title? Well this should be more straight forward, and easier to understand, for Judaism is an all pervasive problem within the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion, a VERY BIG pervasive problem. Now make no mistake, for nearly ALL the groups within the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion practice some form of Judaism, that is, salvation by works, and/or salvation through obedience to The Law and/or obedience to the Ten Commanments or even obeying Yashua Messiah. This means that Yashua Messiah’s Saving Grace along with His Faith are either blasphemed against, that is, abused, or are totally trampled on and snuffed out – killed. Which, in turn, means they trample all over Yashua Messiah’s sacrifice, that is, His death and His resurrection. They treat Him with utter contempt, and in many cases without even realising it.

‘Judeo’ also stands for monotheism, (see link No. 4 below) in one form or another, whether it be just ONE GOD as in Judaism and Islam, rendering Yashua Messiah a non-entity, and just a creation or what looks like an afterthought, if viewed from the Yahhead’s perspective. We then have their one god within a FICTIONAL TRINITY DEITY of ONE in three and three in ONE. That means whether it’s three in ONE or ONE in three, we still have a form of monotheism rattling around in there somewhere. This is a shell game conjuring trick of now you see ONE, or it could be now you see three depending on how many magic mushrooms you have eaten LOL.

Moreover, in all Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religious ‘churches’ some form of obedience will be in force, whether obedience to the Ten Commandments (The Law of Moses) or obedience to a Pope, Archbishop, cardinals, bishops, priests or some ministerial or pastor/elder hierarchy. This is the evil system of the Nicolaitans as described by Yashua Messiah in Revelation. To make things even worse, in many Protestant groups, women will be in the pulpits lording it over the men. Paul must be turning in his grave.

Furthermore, regulated Old Covenant Sabbath keeping will be the order of the day, whether seventh day or first day Sabbath keeping. There, also, will be annual pagan heathen fertility rite festivals like Christmas, Easter and Whitsun which have nothing to do with Yashua Messiah.

Within the Judeo religious Roman Cult there is actually an idolatrous ‘saint’s day’ for every single day of the year. Needless-to-say these fakes are not real saints, because in order to be a real saint you have to be called and chosen by The Father and then born of Yah (born again). No man has the power or the authority to make a man or woman a saint.

Moreover, having revealed the above deceptive points, here is what you will not find active and operational in these so called ‘churches’, that is, egalitarian Grace filled fellowships. And those with set apart Exclusive Spirit gifted teachers for new converts and beginners and overseers (shepherds) to keep a watchful eye out for spies and trouble makers (wolves) protecting the flocks in general, as was the case in the first century congregations.


OK, the third and most deceptive word of my title – The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion. Why the most deceptive I hear you say? Quite simply because it deceives billions, not just millions, but billions of people across the world. This is because when they hear the word Christian or Christianity they immediately link it, erroneously, to the organised satanic religions I have listed above who pose as followers of Yashua Messiah (The Lord Jesus Christ).

I go head to head daily with hundreds of lost and unsaved people on social media who accuse supposed Christians and Christianity of all manner of wickedness, historical persecutions, tortures, evils, murders and genocides. The thing is, are they are correct to do so? Yes, for the people who did these vile deeds posed as Christians, and did their satanic evil deeds in the name of Christianity, thereby bringing shame and disgrace on Yashua Messiah’s (Jesus Christ’s) name – bringing His name into disrepute – and as wonderfully encapsulated by this famous heathen:

I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

— Muhatma Gandhi

Furthermore, these so called Christian groups follow their non-Scriptural hu-man made Creeds (see link No. 4 below) or their blasphemous Statements of Beliefs, not Yashua Messiah. These legalistic creeds and statements lay down the frameworks of their hu-man made organisations and have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God Gospel message that Yashua Messiah and His Messengers (apostles) taught in the first century.

This is because they want their lemming followers to 1) believe that salvation is within their particular ‘church’ only, or through being a member of their organisation or cult only and, 2) to give their hard earned dosh or tithes to these organisations. However, if they go outside of it and leave, they’re then deemed an apostate or they’re damned to fiery hell or they’re excommunicated as a heretic. Either way, they’re toast to these lying blasphemers as they chuck their satanic hierarchical weight around.

Now which ever way we cut this, none of it is Christian. To be a Christian is one who is called and chosen by The Father to His Son Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and who then follows Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) – that’s it, apart from full immersion Baptism into Yashua Messiah’s (Jesus Christ’s) name alone, and the gifting of the set apart Exclusive Spirit. Once these things have occurred you are now born of Yah (born again) and you’re a Christian – a new creation, a member of The Elect (a saint) and a REAL CHRISTIAN!!


Oh dear what positive thing can be said about the meaningless vain pursuit of RELIGION!!?? Answer: Nothing!! (See link No. 5 below). Make sure you understand and never forget it – YAH HAS NO RELIGION. ALL religions are hu-man made on behalf of The Adversary himself. ALL religions worship The Adversary in one way or another and NONE of them worship Yashua Messiah and that includes??? Yes, you guessed it – The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion. Yes, hu-man beings and men dress their stupid religions up to make out they are worshipping Yashua Messiah, but the opposite is always The Truth – they ALL worship The Adversary!!

Now here’s a little test for you. Just search The Four Gospels in the KJV Bible for the word ‘religion’ and see if you can find it. OK, I jest, don’t worry yourselves, for I have already done so and I can assure you that it’s not there. However feel free to do your own research, as you should.

Furthermore, Yashua Messiah never uttered the word, RELIGION nor did He come to this earth in order to start a religion, nor did He instruct His Learners (disciples) in the ways of RELIGION. Religion = the vanity and egos of hu-man beings and wayward men. So there you have it – The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion!


Since writing part one of this short series of articles I have since learned an interesting fact or two and it looks like the term “Judeo-Christian” is not that old.

Here is a segment from a sermon given by Pastor Don Elmore and copied and recorded by “The Fellowship of God’s Covenant People” on their web page (I do not recommend Pastor Elmore or The Fellowship of God’s Covenant People as it looks like they, themselves, are Law invoking Judaisers). However, here is his piece:

The term Judeo-Christianity did not originate with the name of a Jewish synagogue or a Christian Church or a merging of the two. It didn’t come from any views of any of their own theological rabbis or theologians. In fact, it originated from an English novelist who was born in the land where The Serpent was blown–India. The novelist lived in India till he was five years old and then went back to England to live, while his father remained in India. The Englishman then went back to India to work for about five years before he returned to England. His name: Eric Arthur Blair. You probably never heard of him by his birth name. But I would say that probably all of you know his pen name, George Orwell. He is famous for his books ‘Animal Farm’ and ‘1984’.

Eric or George wrote this hyphenated word, “Judeo-Christian” as a linguistic attempt to fight against anti-Jewishness in the late 1930s. By using “Judeo-Christian,” Orwell meant to indicate tolerance and solidarity with a persecuted religious minority (i.e. the Jews). The National Conference of Christians and Jews (now called the National Conference for Community and Justice) subsequently adopted the term, and the Four Chaplains — a rabbi and three Christian ministers who in 1943 together gave their lives to rescue others aboard their sinking ship—became an icon of the postwar understanding of America’s religious pluralism.

But one might think that Christianity and Judaism are theologically linked in a way that merits a special term to describe their shared history and belief system. But this notion fails to hold up under scrutiny. The Jewish theologian Eliezer Berkovitz perhaps put it most concisely when he wrote that: “Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism.””

More here from Jewpedia:

In the above Jewpedia article we can see lying propaganda galore about the Jew Marxist subversive Franklin Roosevelt and how he and his fellow Jews set about the task of politicising American mainstream Christianity with the Judeo-Marxist dogma. They also used this dogma as a tool and/or reason to wage a ‘righteous war’ against Germany and Japan whilst, in truth, Germany and Japan were far more righteous than the Jew tool nations Britain, France and The USA.

The above was graphically confirmed by the Polish ambassador of the day, Count Jerzy Potocki, to the US who reported back to Warsaw that President Roosevelt was working fanatically to develop a ‘war psychosis’ in the minds of the America people. As evidenced here:

Moreover, today we now have Cultural Jew Marxist liberals by the thousands who pose as Christians, but are, in reality, just Yahless politicised wretches who promote their fake Marxist ‘Jesus’. Not only that, but freely use their Cultural Jew Marxist slogans like ‘hate’, ‘hater’, ‘hate speech’, ‘bigot’, ‘Nazi’, ‘xenophobe’, ‘white supremacist’ etc. etc. with great regularity. You name ’em and they use ’em, delusionally and self-righteously thinking that they are doing The Yahavah’s work, when all the while they are doing Karl Marx’s work! (see link No. 6 below).

So there you have it – the rotten satanic Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion laid bare for all to see.

Revelation 18:4 (MCV) And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

In Yashua Messiah’s Set Apart name

Messenger Charles

1. Did Eve Have Sex With The Devil or Did She Just Eat Some Fruit?:

2. Hu; Hu-mans; Cainites; Canaanites; The Serpent Seed:

3. Was Yashua Messiah (The Lord Jesus Christ) A Long Haired Effeminate Looking Wimp? – Part 1:

4. The Satanic Curse of Monotheism – Is God ONE? – Part 1:

5. The Vile Satanic Curse Of Religion:

6. Are You A Cultural Jew Marxist Or A Christian?…:

Companion reading to this article:

7. Are You Fearful of Being Born of God (Born Again)?:

8. Is The Father Calling You To His Son Yashua Messiah?:

9. What is True Rejection of Yashua Messiah?:

41 thoughts on “The Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion

  1. Hi Charles,

    I’ve stumbled on your on-running front page, and am enjoying the articles. I just noticed today that the state of New York has not only legalised late-term abortion, right up to the moment of birth, but lit up the 1 World Trade Centre spire pink in honour of its passage. Made me think of offering the babies to the fires of Moloch. The murder continues.

    • Very much so and yet more evidence that we are very near to the end, just like our forefathers in Ancient Israel before their captivity.

      The Twin Towers were a representation of the Duality Godhead, now replaced with Satan = the single tower and all that that represents. America is lost and awaiting its total demise – like Ancient Israel and Sodom and Gomorrah before them.

      People of the nations of the world will be astounded and astonished at the swiftness of its fall.

  2. Pingback: The Deluded Condition Of Mainstream Christianity | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

  3. Like to tell you something.

    On April 9, 2021, I published a post “Was Jesus Christ a Jew?” It was before I followed your blog. Anyway, in the comment section I was asked by someone to remove the post. Because my blog post “strongly misrepresents true Christianity”. This in relation of a Bible commentary of Acts 17:26. I have no idea who wrote the Bible commentary.

    Usually, I don’t go into arguments, and so I did not do it this time either. The person apparently holds the Bible commentary for truth. It seems to me that the writer of the Bible commentary and the one who copied and pasted it, I think, in the comment section that God did cast away the covenant HE made with the three Patriarchs. They both seem to believe like so many others that everyone is a descendant of Abraham. At least, that is what I understand of the Bible commentary.


    Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
    Bible Commentary: in italic font

    And hath made of one blood – All the families of mankind are descended from one origin or stock. However different their complexion, features, or language, yet they are derived from a common parent. The word blood is often used to denote “race, stock, kindred.” This passage affirms that all the human family are descended from the same ancestor; and that, consequently, all the variety of complexion, etc., is to be traced to some other cause than that they were originally different races created. The design of the apostle in this affirmation was probably to convince the Greeks that he regarded them all as brethren; that, although he was a Jew, yet he was not enslaved to any narrow notions or prejudices in reference to other people. It follows from the truth here stated that no one nation, and no individual, can claim any pre-eminence over others in virtue of birth or blood. All are in this respect equal; and the whole human family, however they may differ in complexion, customs, and laws, are to be regarded and treated as brethren. It follows, also, that no one part of the race has a right to enslave or oppress any other part, on account of difference of complexion. End of Bible commentary

    The request of the commenter
    “I ask you to remove this post because it strongly misrepresents true Christianity.

    Liked by 1 person
    April 11, 2021 at 1:46 pm Edit

    • Hi Jackie,

      There is a very simple retort to their ignorant nonsense:

      “And hath made of one blood – All the families of mankind are descended from one origin or stock.”

      This is clearly TRUE, BUT what they’re totally oblivious to is the OTHER SEED LINE, that is, The SERPENT SEED from Eve with The Devil, through Cain pre-flood, and Canaan post-flood.

      Further to, Eve was the mother of ALL LIVING, but WHITE Adam was only the father of MANKIND, he was NOT the father of all living.

      HU-MAN KIND is NOT MANKIND. Hu-man kind is the Serpent Seed – Jews, African Blacks, Chinese and The Turks being the principal serpent seed line ethnic groups.

      Let me know if want me to go tell ’em what’s what. LOL

  4. Pingback: Obadiah; Esau; The Edomites; Idumea; Turkey | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

  5. Pingback: Was Yahsua Messiah (The Lord Jesus Christ) a Long Haired Effeminate Looking Wimp? – Part 2 | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

  6. Pingback: The Vile Satanic Curse Of RELIGION…. | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

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  10. Pingback: What Is An Albigensian Heretic?- Part 1 of 2 | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

  11. Pingback: Hi to all my readers, that is, those that are already familiar with my articles for The Father and Yashua Messiah. See link below, but also a Hi to those new to my work for The Father and Yashua Messiah. | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

  12. Pingback: The MCV – Paul’s Second Letter to The Thessalonians | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

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  14. Pingback: Is 1 Corinthians 15:29 a Spurious Verse? | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

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  16. Pingback: The MCV – Paul’s Second Letter to The Corinthians | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

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  20. Pingback: Unravelling The So-Called Pastoral Epistles – Part 8 – 2 Timothy Chapter 2 | Is The Father Calling YOU to His Son, Yashua Messiah?

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  23. Pingback: MCV & KJV Paul’s Alleged First Letter to Timothy – Part 3 – 1 Timothy Chapter 3 | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

  24. Pingback: MCV & KJV – Paul’s Alleged First Letter to Timothy – Part 5 – 1 Timothy Chapter 5 | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

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  26. Pingback: MCV & KJV Paul’s Alleged Second Letter to Timothy – Part 8 – 2 Timothy Chapter 2 | The MCV Set Apart Scriptures

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